This weekend my family came down. Oh, the jedi mind powers Sussa has over Andrew! He was so glad to see her, it made his spring break perfect i think. And she's coming this weekend too for her shower so he is just beside himself with excitment. he is counting down the days until he gets to see her again.
Austin is a PawPaw's boy. He loved to be held by him and wanted to sit in his lap the whole time he was here. At lunch on sunday we were about 2 hours past his nap time and he would only sit quietly in PawPaws lap. He even ate some of his fish, then he snuggled up to Nanna and fell asleep. We all went home and took a good nap after that.
Well the pictures of the boys are them with hats on. They both love hats!
Oh, and set ur DVR'S!! This sunday my mom, Sussa and I are singing infron of First Baptist Church. We all grew up going there and that is were Sussa's shower will be saturday but some how mom talked us into singing again. We haven't sung together in maybe close to 10 years. I guess yo could say this is for old times sake. All i know is that I'm gonna need some xanax and maybe a few shots of taquila.... I'm scared out of my mind! i don't even sing in my church choir i go to now! So set your DVR'S for Sunday on channel 4 or 720 if you get HD at 11am... let's hope we don't screw this up!
Good luck with the singing! You'll be fine! Wish I could see it, maybe I'll get to see a videotape again like last time.
austin and andrew are so handsome. I think Austin is really starting to look like Andrew.
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