Huh, well now I don't even know what to say on here. It's been so long since I've even posted anything, does anyone still read this?
Well I guess I should start with the kids first. Give a few updates on them.
Andrew is ALMOST done with 1st grade. He is counting down the days till the end. he is so ready to sleep late and stay at the pool all day. he has done SO well this year. When he started this year he was kind of behind. But now he has not only caught up but is ahead of the class! Which is so good being we made him repeat kindergarden. I worried that it would affect him this year, which it has but in a great way! he has made so many friends and just grown and learned so much too. I am always amazed by Andrew! Such a sweet, smart, handsome boy!
Austin is still very much into ALL things super hero's! He goes back and forth from Batman to Spiderman. Including to telling you his name is either Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker. He jumps and punches EVERYTHING!!!! He lives in a costume most days and has a cape on at all times.
My famous last words growing up were that I'd NEVER let my child live in a costume and now I have the child that doesn't ever get out of a costume. It's what I get, I did it to myself I know.
When Austin isn't punching bad guys though he is very sweet too. But he surely ALL boy!
Paul and I are doing well. We bought and moved into a trailer house. It's going well so far, we still have a few things we want to improve on but that will come with time. It sure is nice to have a yard though. And the kids have so much space to run and play.
This weekend we are going up to SA to celebrate Poppy's birthday! I can't believe she is going to be 2 already! I remember our first sleep over with her, the first night in the hospital. So much fun! And he and "the Bubba's" get along so great! The boys call her their sister, which we love. And she follows what they do pretty well. It's helps at dinner time when you are trying to get her to eat for her to see the Bubba's doing what we want her to do. Monkey see, monkey do!
Well, that's all i can think of for now. I'll start blogging again though. So you can see some updates and pictures and such!
I read it! ;)
I read it too!! Yay for blogging!! :)
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