Thursday, July 30, 2009

Persicution of the skinny people

For all my life I have been skinny, that's just the way I was built. I graduated high school weighing in at 75lbs and 5 feet 6 inches tall. Yes I know I was a stick, but I was an athletic stick. I played tennis since 8th grade, and while I wasn't the best at it and even hated it at times it kept me in shape and with a great tan I might add. I was made fun of without mercy by the girls that were the "normal size" and the boys that liked them. I always thought then that just wait until thay have had kids and are twice their size from high school. I looked forward to my high school reunion and always thought I would have a few kids by then and still be thin, and hopefully bigger boobs. (can't win them all though)

Well now andI am just about staring age 28 right smack in the face. I have two kids, and the reunion will be here in a year. But you know I must have been looking in the future for a while because... I'm still skinny!
I must admit that I still do a little working out, we ride bikes every night and it's great excercise for all of us. Except Austin, he just rides. It has become a nightly ritual to ride bikes, Andrew looks forward to it all day. We usually ride about 7:30 or 8pm because it's so dang hot during the day. We ride for a good hour too, that's how long Andrew likes to ride before he decides he's done. Now I look forward to it too.
I also don't eat alot of sweets, I just don't care for them. I like a meal, a big, well rounded meal.
I would rather take up the room in my tummy with good food than junk food. And remember your stomach is about the size of your fist.
Any way, I think that I just give a small attempt at staying healthy. I eat what I want and quit when I'm full, bike riding and running after two little boys and some good genes from my dad's side of the family and this is the size I am. I always thought though that once you got out of school people would stop making fun of me. I thought that people in the "real world" know that just like thin people can't make fun of heavy people that the heavier people wouldn't make fun of me. SO NOT THE CASE!
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about my size. I like the size I am. I'd like a new wordrobe to fit it but I like the size I am. And I'm just like everyone else in that when I do put on the extra few pounds I don't always like were it goes. If i get on my pasta kick I know for sure my pants are gonna be tight the next few weeks till my fad had ended.

But I would not make fun of over weight people! I might tell you to put the 3rd cookie you are about to eat down but I wouldn't call you fat or make fun of you for something that would be a sore spot. Why do people think it's okay to make fun of skinny people? Like we don't have image issues too? In the end I say it's just not okay to make fun of anyone! Fat or skinny, short or tall!
So don't make fun!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A few things going on

Well our life has been quite eventful lately! So much seems to be going on all thie time and school hasn't even started! We barely have time to swim in the pool we are so busy!

First our cat Bear was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider. Poor cat came up to us last thursday panting like it couldn't breath. I looked at the poor cat's leg and the skin was already looking ever so gross and puss was oozing out of it... gag, gag, gag... eww enough details huh?
So I rush poor Bear to the vet and the put in an IV and got antibiotics started. Thankfully Bear would make a full recovery, Whew! What we did find out however was that we had Bear for 6 years now and thought the whole time Bear was a girl... Nope, Bear is a boy. An already fixed Boy! Well in my defense Bear is a very fluffy cat, lots of thick fur. And do you really wanna go fishin around down there to find out? Me either... But today we went to pick our our boy cat from getting stiches put in. He has to wear a collar to keep him from messing with the stiches so I took it off for a while, that and he had a look in his eye like he would mess me up in the night if I didn't. Bear the Boy cat is gonna be just fine!

Second, We are finally having the estate sale for the grandparents house and stuff in it. Seems kind of surreal really. Now we are really having to force ourselves to move on. It's stange to see things that we used everyday is now just stuff that we are trying to get rid of.
The hard part was looking at some of Grandpa's suits in the closet and remembering him in them and then i moved it and i could still smell his aftershave on it. I couldn't help myself and I took in as big a breath as I could and I hugged it like he was still there. Needless to say our family still is having a little bit of a time with the "moving on "part. But hopefully all goes well and I think in the end we all would love to see another family in there making some new memories in that house. That would make it all a happy ending, for every one...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

a few things about Austin

Austin has grown up so quickly lately and sometimes I feel like I blinked and missed him turn from a two year old toddler to an almost three year old boy.

Here are just a few of the great things I love about my Monkey Boy!

He has good manners. I truly believe that if you start working on the simple manners right when they start learning to talk by the time they are a "full talker" it will just be second nature to them. His newest thing is to say, "Thank you Momma" for every little thing you do or give him.

When I get my cup of coffee in the mornings he tells me, "careful, Momma, Hot!"

I love when I come home at the end of the day he always has a smile and waves as he's running to give me kisses and says, "Hi Momma! Home! All done work today!"

I love to watch him TRY to take care of our animals. He thinks the dogs eat best when he hand feeds them, dog food or his food.

And even though it drives me nuts and is a pain to clean up, I can't help but laugh when he comes to me covered in baby power and says, "all done stinky" and i go to his room to see his floor covered in power too. Then he tells me, "no more powder!".

He tickles and steals kisses and gives big bear hugs... Gotta love that Monkey of mine!

The Perfect Excercise

Since Andrew got his new bike for his birthday we have been working with him on riding it. We got him the bigger bike so he could grow into it being that he's growing at an extremely rapid rate and he'll be bigger than me before I know it. So, needless to say it's been a little frustrating teaching how to ride this bigger bike. He can ride just fine but it's his stopping and starting that's still hard for him.
I got one of those little wagon type buggies for the back of my bike for Austin to ride in too. Well you add that to the back of your bike with a 25lbs kid back there and it's like strapping a 15lbs weight to each ankle. The first few nights went okay but last night I was hurting. I can't tell either kid "no" when it comes to bike riding at night because it's good excercise for everyone, except Austin. If my calculations are correct and we do this a few nights a week this alone should keep me in shape. As of today; my abbs hurt, my legs are killing me and even my butt is sore. Buff City Here I come!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My first born turns 6 years old today!

6 years ago today(well, he was born on a tuesday) at 8:58pm after a long labor and delivery we finally had our first baby boy! We wondered so much how he would look, this was the mixing of 2 sets of genes here and we actually worried he'd get the worst part of us. But there he was, so small and far cuter than i could have even imagined. He was absolutly perfect.

And then we took him home and the hospital forgot to send the instruction manuel with him!
We lived in Austin TX at the time and didn't have much family there to help. It was just us and him... and he cried, and spit up with distances so great he could hit the wall on the opposite side of the room, and did I mention he cried, a lot. He had colic and ear infections all the time and the only way to make him stop crying was to put him in the umbrella stroller and push him around the apartment complex or inside our apartment if it was raining. I walked off that baby weight quickly. I thought he would never crawl or walk. He made this squishy face when you would take a picture and we took a lot of pictures!

And then before I knew it the first year went by and then the second and i thought we were so lucky that we didn't go through "terrible twos" but then the year after that was the "testing threes". And by then he was really starting to get big. We worked so hard on manners, I was determined that he would have good manners but belch like a champ. If you say excuse me after an awsome belch it makes it okay, at least in my book.
When we had Austin, Andrew was so helpful. He really has turned out to be the best big brother we could have asked for. He even help teach him how to pee in the potty.
Through the last 6 years i have seen him grow into the nicest, most polite, well mannered kid.
He tells me I look nice even when in my opinion i look terrible. He is sweet to our animals and his brother and all he meets.
And now he has a new little cousin and so many people said he would be jelous but he has shown such care and love and concern for her. he loves her and thinks it's his job to help take care of her now too.
I am so thankful on this birthday that I was lucky enough to be chosen to be Andrew's mom.
My grandma once said that God chose just the right boy to send to me, she was right.
Tonight we are going to take Andrew to eat pizza and play games and get him a new bike.
Tonight is about celebrating the best 6 years of our lives, and kiss him tons!