Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So much stuff.. so little time to blog

So as my sister has pointed out to me that I need to either blog or not blog but quit stopping and starting. Well not exactly like that but I'm pretty sure she was going along those lines.

So, some catching up on life... Where to begin...

Birthdays! Melissa and I celebrated turning 28 without each other for the first time in our lives, well the 28 obviously, but we usually spend our birthday's together. We saw each other a few days later but it wasn't the same. Melissa wins the gift giving prize every time too. This year she got me a new Vera Bradley purse and I just love it! My co-workers are calling me spoiled, I"m okay with being spoiled. Actually, when we did see each other we were taking all of our kids to ride Thomas the Tank Engine. Even Poppy went too! It was cold and rainy and the shoes I wore gave me some ugly blisters but the kids had a great time. To see Austin's face when he saw Ponas(as he calls him) was priceless. He looked as though he just saw God for the first time. He sat so well on the train ride and didn't really want to do any of the games, he just wanted to sit and ride/ watch Ponas. He was so upset when we left and as soon as we got him in the car his meltdown ended and he crashed out, Ponas overload I guess.

Andrew thought it was cool but he acted as though he had been there and done that, he also got sick the next day and wasn't feeling great the day before.

Since we got back Austin is even more sucked into Ponas. We went through Austin(the city) on our way to ride the train and going through there made me miss living there so bad, I would move back in a heartbeat. I miss it there so much, and I guess I just have such good memories that I want to go back.

Continued on 10/28/09

Andrew has lost his first tooth! He was so proud! The toothfairy came too and he was so excited to spend his money on more junk to rot the rest of his teeth out of his head. He asked what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth she collects, hmmm.... good question. I decided that she takes all those teeth and they are used to make dentures for old people, sounds plosible I think.
He looks so cute with a little gap in his smile, he is waiting on one more to get loose enough to fall out so we can do this all over again.

This week at school was Red Ribbon Week and all the kids get to wear stuff other than their uniforms all week. Andrew was so glad to get a chance to wear something else this week. Monday was pajama day, which I made sure andrew went comfy in. Really, why can't I wear zip up one peices in fleece to work all day? I don't need them to have feet but it sure would be nice to wear that kind of stuff to work. At what age is it not appropriate?
Anyway, today was western day. Andrew went through a phase recently where he wore nothing but cowboy stuff, so grandma got him a hat and boots and some wonderfully tacky shirts. Today, that tacky shirt was perfect!

Austin has discovered that he likes playing Mario Kart on the game cube with his brother and every night they get to play together for a while and both boys really enjoy it. Anything to keep them from fighting sometimes is nice and playing games together has brought them closer.

Austin's newest thing is to call everything a SHARK! And there is nothing worse than the dreaded SHARK BEE! (an ant in his world) It's funny. And when he wants you to do something he will tell you, "Be, be, be funny". Austin is loving having his brother in school again this year and having either mom, dad or his grandparents all to himself for a while.

Life is good for now is "Casa de la sausage Perez"! (that means the Perez house full of boys)

We got over the flu and are looking forward to a fun Halloween! Should be fun! I told Paul I wanted to be a German Beer Maid, he asked"why german" and I said, "cuz over there they don't shave and I don't want to shave". He said I was gross but I thought is was funny.

I tried to upload pictures but blogger isn't having it today... Oh, well...

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