Monday, April 20, 2009

Broken glasses and a broken heart

We had an accident this morning.... Andrew accidently stepped on his glasses as we were trying to get ready for school.
I feel really bad because I yelled at him and told him "I was very cross with him!".
In our house that is almost a kick in the teeth. Anyone who watches Thomas the Tank Engine knows that line.
So Andrew had to go to school without glasses and still somewhat upset from my comment. Poor kid couldn't see today at all.
Paul picked him up from school and took him to get an new eye exam and then to get glasses. I honestly thought it would go off without any problems, I mean how hard can it be... he's almost 6 and now he knows all of his alphabet. hehehe boy was I wrong!
First they had to wait for an hour before they even got back to an exam room and then the doctor decided to dialate his eyes. Well it took 4 people, including his dad to hold him down while the doctor put the drops in his eyes. And then they find out that his right eye went up a while notch in only 10 months!(from a +2.00 to a +3.00)
No wonder the boy couldn't see at school! his glasses werent strong enough!
We went and picked him out some very nice, non chicken-little looking glasses and today he can see much better and looks so nice!
And I appologised to him last night for saying what I did, he was fine....

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