Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We got told... by our 5 year old

Last night Paul was acting silly and said he was the boss of our house. I threw my head back and laughed that kinda evil laughter laugh. Andrew looked at him like his head was on backwards.
So Paul says, "Andrew, whose the boss around this house?"
I tell him, "buddy we all know that mommy is the boss of this house!"
After Andrew looks at me like my head is on wrong too he says. "We're a team! That's what being a family means, we work together. You are my mom and dad so I have to listen and do what you say but we are a team."

Ummmm... Wow! We both didn't expect that answer. That shut us up!
He was right though, that's how families work, or should work. We tell him on saturdays when we are cleaning that we all have to do our part. We all make the messes together during the week so we all have to work together cleaning it up. even Austin helps with the vacuuming.
We told him that he was right and he is one of the two best boys on the planet!
Then he says, "I know, now I'm going to play my game, I have 20 minutes left to play."
We got told!

I'm slightly worried about Austin and his phase of only consuming dairy products.
When he was a baby he had to be on Nutramagin formula, which isnt even soy formula. He had a pretty bad milk allergy. Now he will only eat something if it has cheese on it. He lives on yogurt, cheese(lots and all kinds) and milk. It's hard to get him to eat anything else. If you give him a snack he wants string cheese and he will eat 5 slices of cheese a day if you let him. We put lunch meat with it to get some protein in him. At least it's healthy I guess?

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